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TogglePreparation and taks need to done before Ganesh pujan at home
Before Ganesh Chaturthi puja starts, there are several preparations and tasks that can be done. Here are some common activities associated with this festival:
Cleaning: Thoroughly clean the house, especially the area where the puja will be conducted. This is done to ensure a pure and sacred environment for the puja.
Decoration: Decorate the house with flowers, rangoli (colorful patterns made with powdered colors), and traditional items. Use traditional torans (decorative door hangings), festoons, and lights to create a festive atmosphere.
Puja items: Purchase or gather all the necessary puja items such as an idol or picture of Lord Ganesha, flowers, incense sticks, lamps, camphor, coconuts, fruits, sweets, and other offerings. you can find puja item list just click below link Ganesh Chaturthi Puja items List
Modak preparation: Modak is a special sweet dish associated with Ganesh Chaturthi. Prepare modaks or other favorite sweets of Lord Ganesha ahead of time. You can make them at home or buy them from a local sweet shop.
Puja setup: Set up the puja area with an altar or table, covered with a clean cloth. Place the idol or picture of Lord Ganesha on the altar. Arrange the puja items neatly.
Invitations: If you plan to invite friends, family, or neighbors to participate in the puja, send out invitations or inform them about the date and time of the puja in advance.
Ganesh Chaturthi essentials: Ensure you have all the essential items required for the puja, such as a kalash (sacred pot), betel leaves, betel nuts, turmeric, vermilion (kumkum), sandalwood paste, and aarti plates.
Puja schedule: Plan the timing for the puja. It is usually performed in the morning or evening, but you can choose a time that is convenient for you and your family.
Puja rituals: Familiarize yourself with the rituals and procedures involved in the Ganesh Chaturthi puja. If you are unsure, you can refer to religious books or seek guidance from a priest or experienced family member.
Prayers and offerings: Prepare prayers and chants dedicated to Lord Ganesha. Offer flowers, incense, and other items while performing the puja. Light the lamps and perform aarti (circulation of light) to conclude the puja.
Remember, the specific customs and traditions may vary among regions and families. It is always a good idea to consult your family elders or a priest for guidance on the exact preparations and rituals for Ganesh Chaturthi in your specific cultural context.
Ganesh pujan step by step at home
Shodashopachara Puja is a Hindu ritual that involves offering sixteen different items or services to a deity during worship. The word “shodasha” means “sixteen,” and “upachara” means “offerings.” This puja is commonly performed during festivals, including Ganesh Chaturthi.
The sixteen steps or offerings in Shodashopachara Puja may vary slightly depending on the tradition and the deity being worshipped, but they generally include the following. Performing Shodashopachara Puja with devotion and sincerity is believed to bestow blessings and divine grace upon the worshipper.
Details Step by step perform above steps as follows
Avahana : (Invoking the deity to come and reside in the place of worship.)
Avahana puja is performed as a part of Shodashopachara puja, which is a 16-step worship ritual of Lord Ganesha. Here are the steps to perform Avahana puja:
- Take a clean puja area and spread a clean cloth on it.
- Place the idol or picture of Lord Ganesha on the puja area.
- Take a kalasha or a pot and fill it with water, and place it next to the idol.
- Light a diya or lamp in front of the idol.
- Take some flowers and akshata (rice mixed with turmeric) in a plate and keep it in front of the idol.
- Take a bell and ring it three times.
- Pray to Lord Ganesha and ask for his blessings and presence in the puja.
- Take some water in your right hand and sprinkle it on yourself and the puja area to purify it.
- Offer some flowers and akshata to Lord Ganesha and chant his mantras.
- Offer him some sweets or fruits as prasad.
- Take some more water in your right hand and sprinkle it on Lord Ganesha as a sign of purification.
- Place your hands in a prayer position and offer your prayers and gratitude to Lord Ganesha.
- Finally, ring the bell three times to mark the end of the Avahana puja.
This is how you can perform Avahana puja as a part of Shodashopachara puja for Lord Ganesha.
Asana Puja (Offering a seat to the deity)
Asana Puja is a part of the Shodashopachara Puja, which is a ritualistic worship of a deity with sixteen offerings. Here are the steps to perform Asana Puja in Shodashopachara Puja:
- Clean the seat or Asana on which the deity is to be seated.
- Offer water to the Asana, sprinkle some flowers, and place a cloth on it.
- Invoke the presence of the deity by chanting mantras and ringing the bell.
- Offer the deity a seat on the Asana by chanting mantras.
- Offer water for washing the feet of the deity.
- Offer water to drink to the deity.
- Offer water for washing the hands of the deity.
- Offer water for bathing the deity.
- Offer new clothes to the deity.
- Offer sandalwood paste, turmeric, and vermilion paste to the deity.
- Offer flowers, incense, and a lamp to the deity.
- Offer food or Prasad to the deity.
- Offer water for the final purification of the deity.
- Offer a flower garland to the deity.
- Perform Aarti to the deity with camphor or ghee lamp.
- Conclude the puja by seeking the blessings of the deity and expressing gratitude.
These are the general steps for performing Asana Puja in Shodashopachara Puja, but specific rituals and mantras may vary depending on the tradition or region. It is advisable to seek guidance from a qualified priest or religious scholar for a more elaborate and authentic worship experience.
Padya puja : (Offering water to wash the feet of the deity)
Padya puja is the worship of the feet of Lord Ganesha and is an important part of the Shodashopachara Puja. Here are the steps to perform Padya Puja in Ganesh Shodashopachara Puja:
- Take some water in a vessel and sprinkle a few drops on your feet to purify them.
- Take some more water in a vessel and sprinkle it on the feet of the idol of Lord Ganesha.
- Take a flower and offer it to Lord Ganesha’s feet.
- Take some akshata (unbroken rice grains mixed with turmeric powder) and offer it to Lord Ganesha’s feet.
- Take some perfume or sandalwood paste and apply it to Lord Ganesha’s feet.
- Offer betel leaves and nuts to Lord Ganesha’s feet.
- Finally, offer arati to Lord Ganesha’s feet using a camphor or ghee lamp.
While performing Padya puja, you can chant the following mantras:
ॐ हस्तिपद्माभ्यां नमः (Om Hasti Padaabhyam Namah) meaning: Salutations to Lord Ganesha, who has the feet of an elephant.
ॐ श्री विनायकाय नमः (Om Shree Vinaayakaaya Namah) meaning: Salutations to Lord Ganesha.
After completing the Padya puja, you can offer flowers, fruits, and other items to Lord Ganesha as per your tradition and family customs.
Arghya puja (Offering water to the deity to rinse the mouth and hands)
Arghya puja is the offering of water to the deity and is a part of Shodashopachara Puja for Lord Ganesha. Here are the steps to perform Arghya Puja in Ganesh Shodashopachara Puja:
- Take a small bowl or a conch shell in your right hand.
- Fill it with fresh water and add some flowers or tulsi leaves to it.
- Hold the bowl in both hands and chant the following mantra: “Om Ganeshaya Namah, Arghyam Samarpayami”
- Offer the water to Lord Ganesha by pouring it in front of the idol or image while chanting the mantra.
- While offering water, ring a bell to signify the offering and express gratitude towards the deity.
After the Arghya puja, you can continue with the other steps of the Shodashopachara Puja.
Achamana (Offering water for the deity to drink)
Achamana is the ritual of sipping water three times from the right hand to purify oneself before performing the puja. Here are the steps to perform Achamana in Shodashopachara Puja for Lord Ganesha:
- Hold a small cup of water (Achamani) in your right hand.
- Sit in a comfortable position facing the Ganesha idol or picture.
- Visualize Ganesha as the supreme consciousness and mentally offer your prayers to Him.
- Take a small sip of water from the Achamani in your right hand.
- Hold the water in your mouth and recite the following mantra: “ॐ केशवाय नमः |”
- Swallow the water and take another sip.
- Hold the water in your mouth and recite the following mantra: “ॐ नारायणाय नमः |”
- Swallow the water and take the final sip.
- Hold the water in your mouth and recite the following mantra: “ॐ माधवाय नमः |”
- Swallow the water and conclude the Achamana ritual.
After performing Achamana, you can continue with the Shodashopachara Puja by offering Gandha, Pushpa, and other items to Lord Ganesha.
Snana (स्नान- Offering a bath to the deity)
Snana (स्नान) or the ritual bath is an important step in Shodashopachara Ganesh Puja. Here’s how to perform Snana in Shodashopachara Ganesh Puja:
- Take a clean, small vessel (दिपाती) filled with clean water.
- Hold the vessel in your left hand and with your right hand, take some water from the vessel and sprinkle it on the idol of Lord Ganesha.
- Chant the following mantra while offering the water:
गङ्गास्नानं मया दत्तं गणेश व्यापक प्रभो। अशुद्धत्वं न जानाति स्नानं ते कर्पया कृतम्।।
Gangasnānam mayā dattam ganesha vyāpaka prabho। Ashuddhatvam na jānāti snānam te karpayā kritam।।
- After chanting the mantra, sprinkle some water on yourself and take three sips of water while reciting the following mantras:
ॐ केशवाय नमः। ॐ नारायणाय नमः। ॐ माधवाय नमः।
Om Keshavaya Namah। Om Narayanaya Namah। Om Madhavaya Namah।
- After completing the above steps, the idol of Lord Ganesha should be wiped dry using a clean cloth.
This completes the Snana step in Shodashopachara Ganesh Puja.
Vastra Puja (Offering new clothes to the deity)
Vastra Puja is the ritual of offering new clothes to Lord Ganesha during Shodashopachara Puja. Here are the steps to perform Vastra Puja during Ganesh Shodashopachara Puja:
Take a clean piece of cloth or a new cloth and place it in front of the idol of Lord Ganesha.
Take some flowers and akshata (unbroken rice grains) in your hand and offer them to the cloth while reciting the following mantra: “Om Vastraya Namah”
Take the cloth and hold it in your hands. Offer akshata and flowers to the cloth again while reciting the same mantra.
Now, unfold the cloth and hold it in front of the idol of Lord Ganesha.
Offer akshata and flowers to the idol while reciting the same mantra.
Touch the cloth to the feet of the idol and then offer it to the Lord while reciting the same mantra.
After offering the cloth to the idol, place it on the idol’s lap or over its shoulders as a sign of respect.
Offer some more flowers and akshata to the cloth.
Finally, offer aarti and seek the blessings of Lord Ganesha.
By performing the Vastra Puja, devotees believe that Lord Ganesha will bless them with prosperity, happiness, and good health.
Yajnopavita (Offering a sacred thread to the deity)
Yajnopavita is a sacred thread worn by Hindu males during religious ceremonies and rituals. In the Shodashopachara Puja of Lord Ganesha, Yajnopavita or sacred thread is also offered to the deity as a part of the ritual. Here are the steps to perform Yajnopavita puja in Shodashopachara Puja of Lord Ganesha:
- After offering Vastra or clothing to Lord Ganesha, take the Yajnopavita (sacred thread) and hold it in your hands.
- Sprinkle some water and Akshata (unbroken rice grains) on the Yajnopavita.
- Take some flowers and offer them to the Yajnopavita.
- Offer Gandha (sandalwood paste), Akshata, and flowers to the Yajnopavita while chanting the following mantra:
ॐ यज्ञोपवीतं परमं पवित्रं प्रजापतेर्यत् सहजं पुरस्तात् । आयुष्यमग्रयं प्रतिमुञ्चशुभ्रं यज्ञोपवीतं बलमस्तु तेजः ॥
Om Yajnopavitaṃ Paramaṃ Pavitraṃ Prajāpateryat Sahajāṃ Purastāt। Āyuṣyamagrayaṃ Pratimuñcaśubhraṃ Yajnopavītaṃ Balamastu Tejaḥ॥
- After offering Gandha, Akshata, and flowers, tie the Yajnopavita around the idol of Lord Ganesha.
- You can then offer Pushpa (flowers) and perform the next step of the Shodashopachara Puja of Lord Ganesha.
Note: If you are not familiar with Sanskrit mantras, it is recommended to learn from a qualified priest or guru to ensure the correct pronunciation and meaning.
Gandha (Offering sandalwood paste or perfume to the deity)
The step of offering Gandha (sandalwood paste or other fragrant substances) is an important part of the Shodashopachara Puja for Ganesh. Here’s how to perform it:
- Take a small amount of sandalwood paste or other fragrant substance like kumkum or turmeric powder in a small container.
- Offer flowers to the idol of Lord Ganesh.
- Take a small amount of the sandalwood paste or other fragrant substance on your right hand.
- Apply the paste on the forehead of Lord Ganesh. You can also apply it on the neck, shoulders, and arms of the idol if you wish.
- As you apply the paste, recite the following mantra: “गन्धं समर्पयामि” (Gandham Samarpyami) which means “I offer this fragrant paste to you, O Lord Ganesh.”
After offering Gandha, you can move on to the next step of the Shodashopachara Puja.
The step of offering Gandha (sandalwood paste or other fragrant substances) is an important part of the Shodashopachara Puja for Ganesh. Here’s how to perform it:
- Take a small amount of sandalwood paste or other fragrant substance like kumkum or turmeric powder in a small container.
- Offer flowers to the idol of Lord Ganesh.
- Take a small amount of the sandalwood paste or other fragrant substance on your right hand.
- Apply the paste on the forehead of Lord Ganesh. You can also apply it on the neck, shoulders, and arms of the idol if you wish.
- As you apply the paste, recite the following mantra: “गन्धं समर्पयामि” (Gandham Samarpyami) which means “I offer this fragrant paste to you, O Lord Ganesh.”
After offering Gandha, you can move on to the next step of the Shodashopachara Puja.
Dhoopa (Offering incense to the deity)
Performing Dhoopa (incense offering) is an important step in Shodashopachara Puja. Here are the steps to perform Dhoopa in Ganesh Shodashopachara Puja:
- Take the incense holder (Dhoop-dani) and light the incense stick.
- Hold the incense stick in your right hand.
- Take some flowers in your left hand and offer them to Lord Ganesha while chanting the following mantra:
ॐ धूपं आघ्रापयामि। Oṁ Dhūpaṁ āghrāpayāmi।
- Hold the incense stick in front of Lord Ganesha and move it around his image thrice in a clockwise direction.
- Then, place the incense stick in the incense holder and let it burn.
- While the incense stick is burning, offer some flowers and bow down to Lord Ganesha.
This completes the Dhoopa step of Shodashopachara Puja.
Deepa: Offering a lamp or candle to the deity.
Deepa or lighting a lamp is an important aspect of Hindu puja rituals, including Shodashopachara Ganesh Puja. Here are the steps to perform Deepa puja during the Ganesh Puja:
- Take a small lamp and fill it with oil or ghee.
- Insert a cotton wick into the lamp and light it.
- Hold the lamp in your right hand and offer it to Lord Ganesha, saying the following mantra:
दीपज्योति: परब्रह्म, दीपज्योति: जनार्दना। दीपो हरतु मे पापं, दीपज्योतिर्नमोऽस्तुते॥
Dīpajyotiḥ parabrahma, dīpajyotiḥ janārdanā। Dīpo haratu me pāpaṃ, dīpajyotirnamo’stute॥
Meaning: The lamp is the symbol of the supreme consciousness and knowledge. I bow to the lamp which destroys all ignorance and evil.
- Wave the lamp in a circular motion in front of Lord Ganesha, and then place it on the right-hand side of the Lord’s idol.
- Take some flowers, and offer them to the lamp, while reciting the following mantra:
शुभ्रं करोति कल्याणं आरोग्यं धनसंपदा। शत्रुबुद्धिविनाशाय दीपज्योतिर्नमोऽस्तुते॥
śubhraṃ karoti kalyāṇaṃ ārogyaṃ dhanasaṃpadā। śatrubuddhivināśāya dīpajyotirnamo’stute॥
Meaning: The lamp brings prosperity, health, and destroys the intellect of enemies.
- Finally, take the Aarti plate and perform the Aarti while chanting the Aarti mantra for Lord Ganesha.
Note: The above steps are just a general guideline for performing Deepa puja during the Ganesh Puja. The specific mantras and procedures may vary depending on the tradition and region. It is advisable to consult with a priest or an experienced person for detailed guidance.
Naivedya: Offering food to the deity
Naivedya is the offering of food to the deity during puja. To perform Naivedya puja in Shodashopachara Ganesh Puja, you can follow these steps:
After offering the deepa, offer water to wash the hands and then sprinkle water on the food to be offered.
Offer the food to the deity by placing it in front of the idol or picture of Lord Ganesha. The food can be anything that is vegetarian and considered pure.
Offer flowers and dhoop (incense) to the food.
Chant the following mantra while offering the food: “Om Bhur Bhuvah Swah, Tat Savitur Varenyam, Bhargo Devasya Dhimahi, Dhiyo Yo Nah Prachodayat” This mantra is the Gayatri mantra, and it is a prayer to the divine to bless and purify the food.
After the offering is complete, take a small portion of the food and consume it as prasad, which is considered to be blessed by the deity.
Distribute the rest of the food as prasad to the devotees present.
Offer water to wash the hands after the Naivedya is complete.
Remember to always offer the best quality food that is cooked with a pure and positive intention. The food offered should be vegetarian and free of any impurities.
Tambula: Offering betel leaves and nuts to the deity
Tambula or betel leaf is also offered as a part of the Shodashopachara Ganesh Puja. Here are the steps to perform Tambula Puja:
- Take a betel leaf and wash it properly with water.
- Put some kumkum or roli on the betel leaf.
- Place some supari (betel nut) and some cloves on the leaf.
- Put some haldi (turmeric powder) and chandan (sandalwood powder) on the betel leaf.
- Place a few drops of rose water or any other fragrant water on the leaf.
- Fold the betel leaf and offer it to Lord Ganesha while reciting the following mantra: Om bhakta-jana-samrakshakaaya Namah Tambulaaya Namah
This completes the Tambula Puja in the Shodashopachara Ganesh Puja.
Dakshina: Offering money or other gifts to the deity
To perform the Dakshina step in Shodashopachara Ganesh Puja, follow these steps:
Take some coins or currency notes as per your choice and keep them ready.
Offer them to Lord Ganesha while reciting the following mantra:
“ॐ श्री गणेशाय नमः”
(Om Shri Ganeshaya Namaha)
Touch the coins or currency notes to the feet of Lord Ganesha and then offer them as a dakshina.
You can then distribute the dakshina to the priests, performers, or others who helped in the puja or keep it as an offering to Lord Ganesha.
Remember to offer dakshina with devotion and gratitude towards Lord Ganesha and those who helped in the puja.
Visarjana: Bidding farewell to the deity and requesting it to depart
Visarjana is the final step in the Ganesh Shodashopachara Puja, where the idol of Lord Ganesha is immersed in water. The process of Visarjana is as follows:
First, offer your prayers to Lord Ganesha and seek his blessings.
Take the idol of Lord Ganesha and place it in a basket or a decorated plate.
Decorate the basket or the plate with flowers and other ornaments.
Begin chanting the Ganesh Aarti or any other devotional song dedicated to Lord Ganesha.
Take the basket or the plate with the idol and move towards the nearest water body, such as a river or a lake.
While on the way, continue chanting the devotional songs and sprinkle some flowers on the idol.
Once you reach the water body, hold the basket or the plate and chant the Visarjana mantra:
“ॐ गणेशाय नमः। वक्रतुण्ड महाकाय सुर्यकोटि समप्रभ। निर्विघ्नं कुरु मे देव सर्वकार्येषु सर्वदा।।”
(Om Ganeshaya Namaha, Vakratunda Mahakaya Suryakoti Samaprabha। Nirvighnam Kuru Me Deva Sarva-Kaaryeshu Sarvada॥)
Invoke Lord Ganesha’s blessings and seek his permission to immerse the idol.
Gently immerse the idol in the water while continuing to chant the Visarjana mantra.
After immersing the idol, offer your final prayers to Lord Ganesha and seek his blessings.
Return home with a sense of satisfaction and fulfillment, having performed the sacred ritual of Visarjana.
Performing Shodashopachara Puja with devotion and sincerity is believed to bestow blessings and divine grace upon the worshipper.
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