Ganesha Strotram

The story of Lord Ganesha and the moon

lord ganesh and moon story

lord ganesh and moon story

The story of Lord Ganesha and the moon is a popular tale from Hindu mythology that explains why the moon appears to have a dark spot on its surface. According to the story, Lord Ganesha was once invited to a grand feast hosted by Lord Kubera, the god of wealth.

During the feast, Lord Ganesha ate a lot of food, and his belly became full and heavy. He decided to take a walk to help with his digestion. As he walked, he saw a beautiful moon in the sky and decided to have some fun with it.

Lord Ganesha looked at the moon and started teasing it, making fun of its round shape and its brightness. The moon, who was proud of its beauty, became angry and responded by insulting Lord Ganesha.

This made Lord Ganesha furious, and he cursed the moon, saying that no one would ever look at it again with respect and that its beauty would be marred forever. The moon became very upset and pleaded with Lord Ganesha to forgive him.

Lord Ganesha, who was known for his kind heart, agreed to lift the curse partially. He said that the curse would last for only 15 days of each lunar month, and during that time, the moon would have a dark spot on its surface.

This is why, even today, the moon appears to have a dark spot on its surface during certain times of the month. The incident also taught Lord Ganesha a lesson about the power of words and how they can hurt others.

The story of Lord Ganesha and the moon reminds us that we should always be careful about what we say to others, as our words can have a lasting impact on them. It also teaches us that forgiveness is an important quality and that we should always be willing to forgive others when they ask for it.

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